
Lanier Does Himself Proud

This was posted in The Buffalo News Sports Section October 22, 2007

Over the past few years, Saint Bonaventure University, my proud alma mater, has been dragged through muddy headlines locally and nationally over and over again. Even though the campus resides 90 minutes outside the epicenter of Buffalo, this small Franciscan utopia has delivered some of the best local athletic moments over the last few decades.

While I was too young to ever see him play, I was treated to a wonderful evening as a guest to witness the recognition for a man that tends to overshadow the school itself he attended. This past Friday night, the Reilly Center court, which what seemed like ages ago was labeled by ESPN the fifth hardest place to play in America, was named after the biggest name who patrolled its paint way back, Bob Lanier.

While some of today’s athletes demand monster contracts and could care less about fans, this man epitomizes everything Bonaventure tries to teach. Bob could have spent the entire time patting himself on the back, rehashing accolades and demanding the royal treatment. However the fans in attendance were the ones treated royally.

Lanier signed autographs for an hour prior to, and at least two hours after he gave a rousing speech about the values of education, having passion and giving back to others. A completely selfless man, who just so happens to travel the globe as the NBA’s Community Ambassador teaching youth right from wrong, “humbly accepted” this honor without first mentioning his former teammates, coaches, fans, the University president and major donors who made this new court happen.

I was never prouder as a Bonnie to hear the first person anyone mentions after you tell them you attended St. Bonaventure praise the fans and tout the same values I was blessed to receive, with an ear-to-ear smile on his face the entire time.

Over the years, Lanier’s relationship with the university was lukewarm, but I have to credit the current administration and leadership for reconnecting and bringing back into the family someone who was not just a great basketball player, but turns out to be one amazing gentleman and a true Bonnie at heart.

Thinks are looking up at the University and for their men’s basketball team led by new coach, Mark Schmidt. The steps are slow, but we have a new leader, and one of the best ever to represent us every day with his name on that floor. Thanks for coming back Bob, we missed you.

Charlie Riley ’01, ‘03