
Oh How the Times Have Changed

Oh how the times have changed.

Fifteen years ago, on a Saturday night, I was eating BBQ chicken fingers and playing video games with my friends Tony and Shane in my parents basement, the only worry I had was that hopefully those two would wake up to help me deliver newspapers. Now-a-days, I only accidentally run into Tony, and Shane lives with his girlfriend, the same kid who chose the NFL Sunday Ticket over a relationship.

Ten years ago, I was probably just finishing up a Varsity Basketball game, early in the season, and hanging out with the boys, maybe going to a high school dance; not a care in the world. Dances were early on, but if we weren't hitting either a St. Joes or Canisius dance up (where we had to get tickets ahead of time for), we would be slamming a 40 on the way up to Canada going to the clubs there.

Five years ago, actually six, was like living on cloud 9. Senior year in college, probably having a party before a Bonnies basketball game after a day of playing hoops with the guys, watching sports, then probably going to the Redemption Center for a keg, or just going to the Shack and destroying their house for the night. Way simpler times.

One year ago, living in Chicago, played hoops in the morning with some guys, a quick trip to the gym, then probably over to Tom's house to hang out with the Bonnies group, with a culmination at the Hangge Uppe 80's bar. Paying a rediculous rent and doing the "big city" thing at a new job with a ton of responsibility.

Flash forward to today. Twenty seven-years-old. Just found out more friends had a baby today (congrats Sarah and Nick). Innocence gone, wondering how many weddings I will be attending next year and what city I will end up in doing God knows what.

Life seems to be flying by, with it goes simplicity replaced by that nasty R-word: responsibilities. Friends I never though would get married have, others are buying houses, climing the corporate ladder and falling off the face of the earth, and a few are still finding themselves like me.

Its funny how things change, even though it is inevitable. Cell phones were obsolete during college. IM'ing people came towards the end. Your friend pool shrinks, however, hypocritically, I am posting this on Myspace, a haven for some to accumulate a friend collection larger than they really interact with.

All I know is that things are vastly different from the innocent days, as to be expected. I just don't know what other changes lie ahead. As Chris Martin of Coldplay sings, "You feel like you're going where you've been before. You tell anyone who'll listen but you feel ignored. Nothing's really making any sense at all."

Indeed it's not.

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