
It's Been a Long Time...

Like Rakim said, but I think its time to speak my mind.  With a plethora of topics to discuss, when not start on a Friday night on my computer.  I'm not usually this big of a dork, but I have been more involved and invested in this upcoming election than I ever have in politics.  I am enamored by the process of politics, especially with an eye on the marketing the candidates pull off.  I have never spent so much time reading up on policy, evaluating debates, and being so critical, but I guess now is as much a pinnacle time this country requires such a vested interest by our youth.  I did vote against the current manipulative leadership four years ago, and will do everything in my power to help other avoid that mistake again this time around.  With less than three weeks to go, we all have a choice. I just hope is does not agree with Joe the Plumber

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